Quick look to Web Servers and Node Js

What is a web server?

Khadiza Rafa
2 min readDec 19, 2020

Ans: Web server is store house or storage where we keep the project files, images and other stuff so that our project files can be accessed through internet. A domain name is the web link of our porject by which users can reach to us through our website. Just like this one here :


this is the web link to my project called Creative Agency. This is hosted via firebase which means firebase has its own computer or server machine where I have kept my project files and images. Here, firebase is helping me to have my website reachable all 24/7 and website has access to internet.

Different types of web servers

Ans: There are some leading web servers in market and they are :

  1. Apache HTTP Server
  2. Lighttpd
  3. Sun Java System Web Server
  4. Microsoft Internet Information Services
  5. Nginx Web Server

Difference between GET , POST , PUT , PATCH , DELETE operations.

Ans: These 4 operations mainly refer to CRUD operation. Here,

POST — Create
READ — Get
PUT — Update
DELETE — Delete
PATCH - Allows updating partial information of the resource not all

What is Node.js? Building Blocks and Architecture of Node Js.

Ans: It’s basically a run-time environment to run your javascript project on a physical machine not on any browser. By node js we can build standalone application. Previously we only had browsers to extract javaScript code and run them.

Node js is basically javaScript runtime engine it's built on Chrome's V8. 

Crome’s V8 engine was faster to extract javaScript codes. Node js single threaded , Non Blocking and Event Driven.

Single Threaded - Only one thread is used which makes it faster
Non Blocking - one request can not be blocked by another Http request
Event Driven - it works based on event calls

